One of the things that could be very frustrating for an adult with a young child of probably between 3 and 5 years is how many questions they can ask. Your expression and mood could quickly go from very high excitement when you heard your child call you mummy for the first time to frustration when you hear your child calling your name for the hundredth time on a particular day and asking their 500th questions. You could be tempted to shut them up and tell them that they will get all the answers at a later time. However, it is often not advisable as that age is a developmental process that could build their self-esteem and let them know the importance of asking a question or withdraw and get timid to the extent they stop asking any question at all. Here are some reasons why it is important to ask questions.
You get answers
There are several important things in life that we need to know or want to know. However, we would never know them if we don’t ask questions. It is estimated that billions of questions are asked on the Internet daily. You can be sure that more than half of those questions would have never been asked if there was no Internet. Fortunately, Google or other search engines will never shut you down for asking questions. On the contrary, they would give you links to millions of pages, providing you with more answers than you are interested in. You would need the right technological gadgets to access the Internet and get the information.
You get more observant
People who ask questions are often very observant. For instance, a child wanting to know that the sky is blue must have first noticed that the sky is blue before they want to ask. When you encourage them to ask questions, they get more observant and it would positively influence their life in the future. They would be able to know when something is wrong around them long before most other people who are not observant would be. Their observant nature could save their life over and over as they continue to grow older.
Organization of thoughts
It is easier to organize your thoughts when you ask questions and always get answers to your questions. When you are thinking, it is easier to connect dots with the answers you have gotten. Where there are gaps, you will be confident to approach the closest adult to ask and get that space covered. If you don’t have questions, you would have a lot of gaps in your thought process that would make it difficult for you to put different puzzles together to get results when you need to.
Stimulate your imagination
Asking questions stimulate your imagination. The implication is that a person who asks a lot of questions is likely to get more creative. Hence, whether they decide to go into the art or the sciences, they would always be able to come up with important ideas. They would also be encouraged to chase such ideas until they get the answers to drive those ideas to a logical conclusion. This would make it easier for them to be successful and probably make breakthrough discoveries that will change the world.
You get to know about the world better
When you ask a lot of questions, you will get to know more about the world you reside it. The implication is that you will know more about what is in your environment, why they behave the way they do, what you should do, what you avoid, where you should go and where you should avoid. All of these would contribute significantly to reducing how much hurt you have to suffer and the quality of life you will live.
It would be more difficult for you to get lost
It is often said that a person who asks questions will never get lost. This could apply literally when you are in a foreign land or figuratively when you are trying to conclude a project. As opposed to trials and errors that could cost you money and time, you will always be confident to ask questions that will point you in the right direction.