Any promotional activity has to be a continuous and sequential activity so that it produces a steady stream of results. A marketing campaign has to be a chain of interlinked activities with each influencing the effect of other campaigns and the final output or result being the cumulative effect of all these campaigns put together. In the same way, Link Building cannot just be an isolated or a random activity that can produce the desired SEO result for your website. Link Building process has to be done as a series of interlinked and inter-influencing sets of activities as the process of Link Building itself is a long journey of inter-related promotional activities. Each campaign or activity has a bearing on the effectiveness of the promotional activities and contributes to what is called the ‘Collective Result’. The Collective or Overall Result affects your SEO.
Google uses about 200 factors to rank a website in its search engine results. So, this means Google does not take only one parameter of a website or one particular instance of content publishing to rank its position in its SERP results. Among the many factors, Google uses the number of backlinks for this website, number of online mentions about the brand, number of hashtags connected to the brand identities, number of articles and interlinked content about the website, various types of influences such as Domain Authorities of the linked website to your web pages, number of appropriate and suitable keywords present in various content forms in your website, the number of times a particular content is viewed, shared, reviewed, engaged and forwarded across various platforms and so on.
Google uses all these factors and determines the overall value of your web pages and based on those overall value or performance points, it lists your web pages in its search results for various search queries and search terms. If Google has not ‘seen’ certain web pages of your website enough, those pages cannot get indexed in Google registry. So, those web pages and content sporadically made available here and there get lost as far as search engines are concerned.
Link Building is essentially a set of interlinked activities which has to be done according to the strategic plan and according to the expectations of the digital marketer so that the web page or website gets traction on the internet for specific keywords, topics and subjects. So, Link Building is a numbers game and the more you publish your content, the more chances of your website, web pages and content get retrieved by the search engines including Google and seen by the users in various platforms on the internet.
In addition to all these, you should create a huge presence of your brand content and identities on the internet through various forms such as keywords, clickable images and logo, links and backlinks, product details, descriptions, hashtags and various linkable assets of your brand. Let us see how Link Building can be effectively improved through various actions and ideas. Check get the best of Link Building packages to improve your results.
Regular vs Isolated Interactions
A good Link Building process means promoting your web links and brand mentions and getting regular interactions on them through continuous and regular publishing and submission of your content in various forms and formats on the internet. A poor Link Building process is one where your web pages are sparsely clicked and as such they could not be found through the search engines as though the search engines have almost forgotten your website and web links.
Get advice on good Link Building process and quality backLink Building service here.
Branding vs Brand Popping-up
Branding is a process of making your web assets to be regularly visible, easily traceable and very much available. On the other hand, brand popping up is just letting your brand be visible only on a few or specific occasions. Such random publishing or visibility of your website or digital content on the internet diminishes its chance of being recognised by various search engines and platforms, and decreases its possibility of getting retrieved easily by the users for your keywords, products, topics and subjects.
Content Posting vs Content Boosting
There is a huge difference between content posting and content boosting. Content Posting just refers to the publication of content on the internet with no regard for its visibility and traceability. Content Boosting is done with the main objective of getting the maximum reach for the content and enabling it to be retrieved by search engines and users for various keyword and search terms.
Creating Internet Presence vs Being Present
Creating an internet presence for a brand is making it available across various platforms in multiple forms such as backlinks, brand names, keywords, article posts, brandmentions, case studies, downloadable assets, clickable pictures, infographics and videos, video links and all kinds of identities that the brand can be presented, represented and boosted for its visibility.
On the other hand, just creating a web presence through a business directory listing or just having a website without promotions without really making any effort to ensure its visibility or searchability through search engines or social media means failure as far as Link Building is concerned.
Scheduled Posts vs Sporadic Submissions
Scheduled Posts enable your content and multiple links of your website to get continuously being published and your posts to reach out to your audience, and allow backlink traffic to your website. But, sporadic submissions don’t help in your SEO process and creates poor outreach, and hence disallows searchability of your content and keywords in search engines.
A strong Link Building means a huge number of digital content submissions and making your brand more popular and established. A poor Link Building is the poor submission of your web content and website, and that never contributes anything to your Link Building process and will have no impact on your brand boosting efforts.